Roasted Pumpkin Seeds 4 Ways

After finishing my Roasted Pumpkin and Apple Soup with Toasties recipe I went into roasted pumpkin seed mode. It was great activity to do on a gloomy rainy Sunday. They made great little snacks for the football game.

The above picture is pretty expanatory for what I did. I laid my rinsed pumpkin seeds on the silicone matt which I placed on a cookie sheet. For the black pepper and cayenne/garlic powder seeds I simply sprinkled on the seasonings. For the miso brine I soaked the seeds in miso paste mixed with a little water. I Roasted the seeds in a 400 degree oven for about 10 minutes until browned. I flipped them over half way through, sprayed with a litte water and added a little more seasoning. Easie peasey! If you have a favorite no salt, oil or sugar recipe for roasted pumpkins seeds let me know.