Garlic Caeser Salad Dressing

This is one of my favorite salad dressings. The recipe came from Dr. Greger’s “How Not to Die” cookbook. It is rich, creamy, flavorful and super easy to make. If refrigerated in a sealed container it will last up to one week.

The recipe calls for Dr. Greger’s “Savory Spice Blend” which is a mix of 10 spices. If you open up the link and follow the recipe it makes 1/2 cup. The blend can be stored in a covered jar and is an excellent medley of spices which can be used for just about any recipe. Dr. Greger advocates the use of a variety of spices on a daily basis. In addition to flavoring foods, each spice has their own powerful health benefits. If you don’t have the savory spice blend on hand – no problem – this salad dressing will still taste delicious. I do add black pepper to this dressing in order to reap the benefits of the tumeric. If you recall from my Healing Tumeric Banana Date Smoothie post, the piperine in the black pepper enhances the absorption of the curcumin in the tumeric.

For the blended peeled lemon, I learned a really cool tip a few weeks ago. Cut off the ends of a few lemons, remove the peels and place in blender. Put the juice and pulp in ice cube containers and freeze. Remove the frozen juice / pulp and place in freezer bags. Pop them out of the freezer when you need lemon. Simply genius.


  • 2 cloves garlic crushed
  • 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
  • 1 tbsp. almond butter
  • 1 tbsp. blended peeled lemon
  • 1 tbsp. miso paste
  • 1 tbsp. minced fresh parsley
  • 1 tsp. salt free stone-ground mustard
  • 1/4 inch grated tumeric or 1/4 tsp. ground powder
  • 1 tsp. savory spice blend


In a blender combine 1/2 cup of water with all the dressing ingredients and blend until smoothe.

Creamy Cilantro & Cashew Dressing

The possibilities are endless when making a whole food, plant based, no sugar, oil or salt dressing. The more I experiment the more I am able to whip up some awfully tasty creations that are actually healthy for you to eat. Imagine that – a dressing where the more you eat the healthier you are! It’s absolutely crazy. This creamy, oil-free, dairy-free, salt-free dressing is one of my favorites on salads, baked potatoes and roasted veggies. I hope you enjoy as much as I do.

Creamy Cilantro & Cashew Dressing


  • 1 cup raw cashews
  • 1/4 – 1/2 cup water (depending on your desired thickness)
  • 1 cup fresh cilantro
  • 3 cloves minced garlic
  • 3 tbsps lemon juice
  • 1/2″ serrano pepper
  • 1 tsp hot sauce
  • 1/4 tsp ground black pepper


  1. Bring a pot of water to boil. Toss in the cashews and cover the pot. Soak for 30 minutes. NOTE: The longer you soak in the hot water the softer they become. The softer they are the creamier your dressing.
  2. Add cashews and water to a high speed blender until creamy. Start off with 1/4 cup water. You can always add more add the end of the recipe if you prefer a thinner dressing.
  3. Add the cilantro, garlic, lemon juice, serrano pepper, hot sauce and black pepper. Blend until smooth and creamy.