Strawberry Rhubarb Lemonade

Strawberry Rhubarb Lemonade

As a kid I loved rhubarb – but not in pie. I would sneak a stalk (or two) when my mom wasn’t looking, cut it up in little slices and savor the crisp tart flavor. Well I bought a little rhubarb plant this spring, put it in a whiskey barrel planter near the beehive and wow did it take off! Today I harvested 3 stalks and decided to kick off the 4th of July weekend by making ice cold Strawberry Rhubarb Lemonade. At 83 degrees and a relative humidity of 93% that doggone ice cold lemonade really hit the spot!

Rhubarb is a hardy perennial that produces a harvest for up to 8 years. While the stalks are edible, the leaves are poisonous due to high concentrations of oxalic acid which can lead to kidney stones and kidney failure. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling rhubarb leaves or, better yet, wear gloves.


  • 3 stalks rhubarb cut in pieces
  • 1 cup fresh very ripe strawberries stems removed and cut in half
  • 5 cups water
  • Date sugar (to taste)
  • Lemon slices
  • Fresh mint leaves
Strawberries, rhubarb, lemon, mint, date syrup


  1. Pour the water into a medium cooking pot then add the rhubarb and strawberries. Cook until the mixture starts to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes or until soft.
  2. Pour the mixture through a strainer retaining the liquid. Using a potato masher or the back of a spoon mash the strawberries and rhubarb to get all the liquid out.
  3. Refrigerate the liquid until cool.
  4. When ready to serve, place the strawberry rhubarb liquid in a pitcher and add ice.
  5. Serve with date sugar (optional for added sweetness). Garnish with a lemon slice and mint leaf.

Note: As strawberries ripen their sugar content increases from 5% in unripe fruit to 6-9% in ripe fruit. Very ripe strawberries taste much sweeter.

A perfect, refreshing and all natural summer drink.
I love the pretty pink color!
And don’t you think of getting rid of the pulp! Drizzling a little date syrup over the warm pulp makes a delicious little dessert.