I found a package of grape tomatoes tucked in the back of my refrigerator that had seen its better days. They were shriveled but not yet moldy. Hubby told me to throw them away. “We don’t waste food Dennis,” I said. So I cut them in half, roasted them in a 400 degree oven for about 20 minutes, and Oh My God! Sweet like candy.
I also had a few over-ripe avacados that weren’t looking so great either. I pureed them with a tablespoon of unsweetend almond milk and a little black pepper until they got nice and creamy. I spread the avocado over a toasted whole wheat bun then smothered it with the roasted tomatoes. If you’ve never had pureed avocado on warm toast or bun try it. It tastes so buttery. Anyway, this was the birth of my Avocado Butter with Roasted Grape Tomatoes on Toasted Bun creation!