These crispy and tasty crackers are a cinch to make, completely fat-free and super healthy. They essentially are just flax seeds, water and whatever other seeds and spices you care to add. That’s right, you are the author of how you want your crackers to taste. In this recipe I added pepita and sesame seeds, garlic and onion powders, and lots of black pepper. Not a fan of sesame seeds? No problem. Substitute for chia or poppy seeds or whatever else excites your taste buds. Play around with the seasonings. The sky is literally the limit.
I use a silicone pad on my baking sheet so I don’t have to use any oil. This pad may not look very pretty but it works like magic. TRUST ME NOTHING STICKS! And guess what? I bought it at Dollar General in the baking section. That’s right! And it was $1.00 and completely reusable. You can also use parchment paper if you prefer.
Are you wondering what pepitas are? Well it’s a type of pumpkin seed but not the kind with shells that you scoop out of pumpkins when making jack-o-lanterns. There are actually a variety of pumpkins called Lady Godiva, Naked Bear and a few others whose seeds have no hull- and these are called pepitas! The pepitas are the signature ingredient in these crackers. They give them an earthy and nutty flavor that will make you want to dig in for seconds.

- 1 2/3 cup ground flaxseed
- 1/2 cup pepitas
- 1/3 cup sesame seeds
- 1 1/4 cup water
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- 2 tsp onion powder
- 2 tsp ground black pepper
- 1 tsp whole flaxseed
- 1 tsp black cumin

- Mix and stir the first 7 ingredients
- Pour the mixture over the silicone pad or parchment paper on the baking sheet
- Spread evenly over the silicone pad or parchment paper using a rolling pin. Dough should be 1/8″ thick. Tip: because my rolling pin is large I usually roll the mixture on the silicone pad first and then transfer the pad to the baking sheet.
- Using a pizza roller score the dough into bite size pieces (squares or triangles)
- Sprinkle the whole flaxseeds and black cumin over the top
- Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Test the centers with a tooth pick. If the centers are still soft continue baking until crackers are crispy but not burnt.