Carrot Ginger Immune Cocktail

Carrot Ginger Immune Cocktail

It was a challenging week. Although I have been eating healthy and exercising I still feet drained. So today I whipped up a batch of carrot ginger juice using my Nutribullet juicer. I juiced eight unpeeled and thoroughly washed carrots, two thumb sized pieces of peeled ginger root, one lemon with peel removed and 1/2 teaspoon black pepper. I juiced the carrots first and set the pulp aside for carrot burgers which I’ll make later today. Then I threw in the ginger and lemon. I added the black pepper to the juiced liquid. The finished product was refreshing and really delicious. Saturday is off to a good start and, hopefully, with a bit of rest and relaxation I’ll be all set for the upcoming week.

Carrot skin contains concentrated vitamin C and niacin. The carrot core contains calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and beta-carotine which the body converts to vitamin A. Although carrots are low in protein, they do contain all 9 essential amino acids. Ginger is loaded with antioxidants which prevent stress and damage to DNA. Ginger, like tumeric, also contains curcumin which is a powerful anti-inflammatory. The black pepper intensifies the effect of the cucumin. The lemon gives the concoction of nice zingy flavor.
Cocktail on the go!


Hi everyone! It's no secret. I'm pretty addicted to eating clean and leading a healthy lifestyle. I am a registered nurse and chronic condition educator (diabetes, heart failure, hypertension, obesity & COPD). Nothing excites me more, personally and professionally, then helping others take control of their health. It really is a passion of mine. That's why I created this blog! When I am not in the kitchen creating healthy eats or digging through scientific literature, I enjoy hiking, biking, gardening and spending time with hubby Dennis. Oh and I am a mother to a loud mouthed parrot named Pickles, a 20 year old black cat named Charlie and about 50,000 honey bees.

13 thoughts on “Carrot Ginger Immune Cocktail”

  1. Question. I don’t have a juicer and buying one is not practical. Can I use a blender instead?

    1. Hi Suzanna! Thank you for the excellent question. Of course you can use a blender – preferably a high speed blender. Doing it this way your cocktail will have pulp in it which will make it healthier due to the fiber.

    1. Your comment makes me really happy Leigh! The intent of this blog is to educate and inspire. You motivate me to continue helping people. Thank you and stay healthy.

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