Stuffed Jack-O’- Lanterns

It’s getting to be that time of year when pumpkins, black cats, witches on brooms and harvest moons appear. As the leaves begin to show hints of autumn colors, the days get shorter and sweaters are pulled out of hybrination, I begin thinking of warm, soothing comfort foods. Stuffed peppers is a favorite cool weather meal in our household but tonight I made them a little different. Instead of the usual lengthwise cut I made them into little Jack-O’-Lanterns. I wish I could take credit for the idea. Instead it was a picture someone on facebook posted back in August and it has been on my mind ever since.

Traditionally, stuffed pepper recipes are made with ground beef. When you commit to a plant based way of eating, however, the source of protein becomes lentils, peas, chickpeas, edamame, beans, tofu, soy, spirulina, oats and sprouted whole grain bread. Plant based proteins that are prepared healthy contain the same chain of amino acids necessary to build and repair body cells without the extra baggage of “bad” fats. In this recipe, black beans are the star performer protein although kidney beans would also work very nicely.


  • 4 orange, red, yellow or green bell peppers (make sure they can stand upright)
  • 1 cup cooked brown rice (or quinoa)
  • 1 can sodium free black beans drained (or kidney beans)
  • 1 onion chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic minced
  • 2 cans reduced sodium condensed tomato soup
  • 3/4 cup water
  • 2 tsp. ground black pepper (more or less depending on preference)
  • 3 small potatoes peeled
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • fresh chives
Brown rice, black beans, onions, garlic, tomato soup, black pepper

Mixed together becomes the yummy filling!


  1. Slice off the tops of the peppers and set aside. Hollow the insides of the peppers removing the seeds and white parts.
  2. Carve little jack-o’-lantern faces on the peppers
  3. Arrange the carved peppers on a glass baking dish and microwave for approximately 5-8 minutes until slightly tender. Note: they should still be firm, not floppy.
  4. Saute the onions and garlic in a large sauce pan with a small amount of water. Add the rice, black beans, tomato soup and pepper. Mix together and cook until warm.
  5. Stuff the peppers and put the tops on.
  6. Mix the remaining can of tomato soup with 3/4 cup water and a little black pepper and pour underneath and around the peppers.
  7. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes.
  8. Peel, cube and boil the potatoes until soft. Drain then add the almond milk and mash. Garnish with fresh chives.

Making stuffed pepper jack-o’-lanterns special takes only a few extra minutes. The kids and adult kids will love this super healthy meal!
I could use a bit more practice on the carving. My jack-o’-lanterns resemble little frankenstein monsters but they sure tasted good!
Bon Appetite my plant based friends!


Hi everyone! It's no secret. I'm pretty addicted to eating clean and leading a healthy lifestyle. I am a registered nurse and chronic condition educator (diabetes, heart failure, hypertension, obesity & COPD). Nothing excites me more, personally and professionally, then helping others take control of their health. It really is a passion of mine. That's why I created this blog! When I am not in the kitchen creating healthy eats or digging through scientific literature, I enjoy hiking, biking, gardening and spending time with hubby Dennis. Oh and I am a mother to a loud mouthed parrot named Pickles, a 20 year old black cat named Charlie and about 50,000 honey bees.

10 thoughts on “Stuffed Jack-O’- Lanterns”

  1. What a clever idea. Potatoes don’t work well with my blood sugars so I just made extra filling with the tomato soup sauce and so delicious. Also Health Valley makes so salt added tomato soup its hard to find so I usually buy a case online. Your website is so inspiring Diana:)

    1. I LOVE comments like yours Ruby!! I have never seen zero sodium tomato soup so I’m happy to hear there is such a thing out there. I’ll research stores in my area. Thank you.

  2. I love your plant based pepper stuffing. I didn’t have the patience to actually make the little jackolanterns I cut the peppers in half and stuffed them and turned out really delicious. Very good recioe TY

    1. I’m thrilled you tried my recipe! The main deal is the filling anyhow. It’s all about eating lean and healthy and doing so for the rest of your healthy life! Keep it up Sammy!!

  3. We found your site by accident googling plant based comfort foods, We’ve been trying to endorsse a whole food lifestyle for health reasons. I love your website and someday it will go right straight to the top of the search engine!

    1. Wow Alex – thank you!! This comment makes me very happy. Good for you for wanting to improve your health. Whole food plant based no sugar, oil or salt will keep you healthy and if there are chronic health conditions will help to reverse them! If you don’t believe me check out and all of the evidenced based studies.

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