Kale and Pear Smoothie

Kale and Pear Smoothie

I struggle sometimes with getting my daily serving of cruciferous in. I don’t always feel like munching on raw cabbage, kale, cauliflower, broccoli or radishes. Sure, I can cook them, but then I have to chop and let stand for 40 minutes to benefit from the anti-cancer, free radical reduction, brain protecting and vision promoting compound sulforaphane.

Well a friend of mine suggested a daily kale and lime smoothie which I tried and didn’t think was bad but I ran out of limes. Too lazy to go to the store, I had some pears on hand and thought it was worth a try. That was the start of my infatuation with kale and pear smoothies and the daily love affair continues three weeks later. Hail to kale!!!


  • 4 oz. water
  • 1 pear cored (any type)
  • 2 cups kale
  • 1 cup ice cubes


Add the ingredients in the order listed to a Vitamix or high speed blender on low for 10 seconds then high for 35 seconds until desired consistency is reached. For a “fancy drink” add a spritz of lime juice.

Ain’t she gorgeous! Not only a good looker but delicious too! Earthy and with a subtle hint of sweetness.
Cheers to my new love affair!


Hi everyone! It's no secret. I'm pretty addicted to eating clean and leading a healthy lifestyle. I am a registered nurse and chronic condition educator (diabetes, heart failure, hypertension, obesity & COPD). Nothing excites me more, personally and professionally, then helping others take control of their health. It really is a passion of mine. That's why I created this blog! When I am not in the kitchen creating healthy eats or digging through scientific literature, I enjoy hiking, biking, gardening and spending time with hubby Dennis. Oh and I am a mother to a loud mouthed parrot named Pickles, a 20 year old black cat named Charlie and about 50,000 honey bees.