Life is not easy. In fact, it can be a real struggle. It is not a paint by number exercise, a game of Candy Land or a stroll in the park by any means. More often then not it seems like a game of Battleship, a complicated jigsaw puzzle or solving a scrambled up Rubik’s cube.
Life is full of circumstances, predicaments, obstacles, challenges, conflicts, uncertainties, blindspots, roadblocks, dead ends and unexpected twists and turns.
Life is some downhill but mostly uphill. Some downstream but mostly upstream. Some win but also lose. Some fortune but also misfortune.
There are so many things in life beyond our control but there are also many things we do have control over. We have control over our attitude, gratitude, thoughts, opinions, beliefs and feelings. We also have control over the kinds of foods we eat, the amount of sleep we get, the degree of mental and physical exercise we engage in, the company we keep, the limits we set and the routines we establish. Focusing on what we can control makes life seem less of a struggle, less overwhelming, more fulfilled and more joyous.
Surround your life with people you love, believe in yourself and make you your number one priority. I wish everyone a healthy and happy 2022. In the best of health – Diana
Great article and inspiration to me for 2022. Keep up your great work man
I am thrilled that you read and enjoyed! To the best of health in 2022!
Excellent article!
Thank you so much